Grade 9 Video


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Give your teens the opportunity to study and apply God’s Word in the classroom with other high school students! As he enjoys his classroom experience, his inspiring Bible teacher from Abeka College will take him and his classmates through the lives of Israel’s kings and their journeys to prepare the world for humanity’s Savior. The first semester of this course covers the lives of Saul, David, and Solomon, while the second semester covers the kings of Israel and Judah, the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity, and the Jewish return to Jerusalem.Show your high school students the work of God’s hand and how blessed they are to serve the One True God. As your teen becomes familiar with the students in the video, he’ll feel like he’s part of the class. The teacher will even pause to give the “students watching” a chance to participate. Along with his video classmates, he will study doctrinally rich hymns and biblical choruses, memorize scripture, and pray.

By providing your teen with an excellent language studies education, you are giving him important skills for his life mission. The benefits of learning to communicate well cannot be overstated! Abeka English courses are known for their systematic study of grammar and composition, spelling and word usage, and inspiring literature.

·Literature – Famous works such as Hamlet, Far from Slavery and Great Expectations teach us beautiful things about life and humanity. Thoughtful class discussions and essay questions on thematic elements such as humility, justice, faith, and love help your teen recognize excellent ideas—anything that is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and well-reported!

·Grammar and Composition – Good writing and correct grammar take practice! Your teen will work on refining the unity and coherence of paragraphs and improving sentences, continuing to work toward writing clear and concise compositions.

·Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry – 20 weekly spelling words and 10 weekly vocabulary words from literature will bring your teen one step closer to perfecting their communication skills. He will recite 10 inspiring works with his video classmates, including Portia’s famous speech “The Quality of Mercy” in “The Merchant of Venice”.

Your teen will gain lifelong benefits from these courses as he is challenged to grow in knowledge and skills by a master teacher who provides clear explanations.

Your teen will travel the world and explore its wonders through physical and cultural studies of the Earth and people. His knowledge of Creation, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, and more provided him with a great starting point for this study! While he enjoys the classroom experience, Abeka College’s geography teacher’s lessons will help him and his video classmates develop a more thorough understanding of the religions, languages, customs, historical backgrounds, resources, industries, and people of each country and continent understanding. It’s a big world!

Now is the time for your teen to gather lifelong tools for building good mental, physical, and emotional health—this course will help! Unlike many high school health courses, this course encourages teens to reach out to others and live healthy lives as they walk with the Lord. In addition to emphasizing staying healthy through nutrition, exercise and personal hygiene, video teachers from Abeka College for high school students also provided practical tips on preventing disease and performing first aid. Biblical discernment is also encouraged as it applies to health regarding suicide, abortion, euthanasia, and organ donation.

Students with a strong foundation in arithmetic are now prepared to apply this to the study of algebra. They will immediately recognize that each algebraic concept logically builds upon the previous one, which is evidence of the truth and order God has constructed in the universe. Using the properties of equations, your teen will learn step-by-step how to solve linear equations including fractions, decimals, rational expressions, cardinal expressions, and absolute value expressions. Inequalities are also introduced using inequality symbols and inequality properties. Equations, inequalities, and functions in systems of equations are graphed, analyzed, solved, and expanded in systems of equations. Abeka Academy teachers provide clear explanations, and the text provides a wealth of practice and review exercises so your teen can master and remember the concepts. To emphasize the practical applications of algebra, word problems in the course materials highlight applications to everyday life and professional situations.



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