Give your teens the opportunity to study and apply God’s Word in the classroom with other high school students! While he enjoys the classroom experience, his inspiring Bible teacher from Abeka College will lead him and his classmates through the Book of Genesis. As your teen learns about Creation, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, the Patriarchs, and more, he will see biblical guidance in dealing with family, marriage, government, the death penalty, modesty, prejudice, alcohol, and more. In fact, the purpose of this course is to provide your teen with the foundation upon which to form a biblical worldview and the assurance that he can trust the authority and authenticity of the Bible as a guide to history and all aspects of life—which is exactly what he is doing as he takes the next step What you need before taking the next step in life!
While he enjoys the classroom experience, his inspiring Bible teacher from Abeka College will lead him and his classmates through church historical events and John’s prophecies about the end times. The first chapter of Revelation promises “blessed is the man who reads…this prophecy.” In fact, your high school student will be blessed because he sees God in “things now” and “things to come.” work in “things”. This study will increase his faith and gospel zeal as he awaits the Second Coming of Christ.
By providing your teen with an excellent language studies education, you are giving him important skills for his life mission. The benefits of learning to communicate well cannot be overstated! Abeka English courses are known for their systematic study of grammar and composition, vocabulary and inspiring literature.
·English Literature – Class discussions and essay questions on the great works of British authors will prepare your senior student for college literature study while developing his analytical skills. The course is a chronological study of the Anglo-Saxon period, from Beowulf to Pygmalion in the twentieth century. A highlight was the reading and discussion of Macbeth and the Pilgrim’s Progress.
·Grammar and Composition – This year’s study provides practice with parallelism, clear and logical construction, accuracy and vividness, consistency and other habits of good writers. A basic review of parts of speech, punctuation, and capital letters will help your teen stay sharp and ready for college!
·Vocabulary, Poetry – Watch your teen’s vocabulary and thinking skills develop as they study the origins of words; word analysis through prefixes, roots, and suffixes; and word analogies! In addition to 144 vocabulary words, more than 1,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words are part of this year’s study. Your teen will be inspired as he recites 10 poems, including “Death Be Not Proud” by Donne.
Your senior will gain lifelong benefit from these courses as he is challenged to grow in knowledge and skills by master teachers who provide clear explanations.
Government allows its citizens the “inalienable rights” of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”—and the state relies on educated citizens who understand their rights and responsibilities. This important study of government teaches your teens the solid foundation on which the nation is built, based on Christianity. Additionally, the detailed presentation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights demonstrates the emphasis the Founding Fathers placed on limited government. Under the guidance of Abeka Academy teachers, your high school students will gain a clear understanding of the historical and philosophical elements that make this country a unique nation.
Why are some people and countries more prosperous than others? This very practical study of economics explains the laws, or principles, of economics—and the consequences of ignoring them! What is the appropriate role of government in the economy? This course demonstrates the connection between economic freedom and political and personal freedom by encouraging free enterprise capitalism and ethical responsibility for money. As Abeka Academy teachers explain the economic principles of production, supply and demand, competition, inflation, and savings, your high school student and his video classmates will also learn principles that will help him make smart money management decisions throughout his life!
If your teen is interested in a career in some aspect of science, studying advanced mathematics is crucial. Mathematics provides the language and patterns of reasoning used in science, imagining God’s orderly creation. With this elective course, your teen will be introduced to advanced trigonometry topics and analytical geometry that will prepare him! In trigonometry, he will learn to find linear and angular velocities, reduce and graph six trigonometric functions, solve oblique triangles and trigonometric equations, and verify identities. Emphasis in analytical geometry will be on complex numbers, distances and slopes, graphical techniques of cone sections and polar equations, and basic regression analysis. Pre-calculus topics include an introduction to limits, and applications of first and second derivatives. Detailed explanations and practical applications provided by his Abeka Academy teachers, as well as numerous practice questions, enable your teen and his video classmates to master and retain these concepts.
When he gets to know the students in the videos, he feels like he’s part of the class. The teacher will even pause to give the “students watching” a chance to participate.
Pre-recorded online video streams give you the flexibility to set your own daily schedule.
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